…In Slum Upgrade and Urban Regeneration, one of the most important capacities is the ability of local residents to generate and manage their own data and its technology.

__Problem-statement: Many people speak about the importance of data as a means to provide better services to residents of informal settlements. Too few people speak about the importance of data as a means to empower those residents.__
Discussion: There is a basic distinction in all urban development work between “doing for” and “doing with.” In the former approach, often government services provide services for residents in a top-down fashion In the latter, residents are given the power to do more, through partnerships and through technological resources.
This is certainly true when it comes to data technology. Beyond the need for governments to measure populations and services needed, there is a basic need for residents to have data capabilities in their own hands — for example, to be identifiable on email and the Web, to have a record of their physical address, and to have access to Web-based resources.¹
__Therefore: Build the network of data resources within each neighborhood. Provide technology, training and support, especially to children.__

Use data resources to assist with Incremental Self-Build. Provide support at the Neighborhood Planning Center…
¹ See e.g. Hachmann, S., Arsanjani, J. J., & Vaz, E. (2018). Spatial data for slum upgrading: Volunteered Geographic Information and the role of citizen science. Habitat International, 72, 18-26.
Cover photo: Vgrigas via Wikimedia Commons.
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